Egeth, H., & Dagenbach, D. (1991). Parallel versus serial processing in visual search: Further evidence from subadditive effects of visual quality. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 17(2), 551-560.
The authors propose a diagnostic for distinguishing between serial and parallel processing in visual search; it is based on testing for subadditive effects of a within-trial visual quality manipulation on target-absent trials. It was evaluated in 2 experiments wherein parallel and serial processing might be expected on the basis of previous work and was then applied to a more uncertain situation in a 3rd experiment. The diagnostic indicates parallel processing of stimuli that differ from each other on a featural basis (Xs and Os) and canonical letters that differ in line arrangement (Ts and Ls) but serial processing when Ts and Ls are randomly rotated. These results form a coherent pattern that is understandable in terms of the literature on visual search, and thus they suggest that the diagnostic may be a useful addition to the methodology used to distinguish between serial and parallel processes.
This paper discussed the issue of parallel/ serial processing in visual search. Traditionally, researchers used the set size effect to define the processing architecture (e.g., the search time increases as a function of the number of distractors, showing a serial processing; a flat slope indicates the parallel processing). For the serial search processing, the ratio between the slope of target-absence and target-presence condition should be approximately 2: 1. Also, both parallel/ serial search occur in visual search at different stage. In the pre-attentive stage, visual search was processed in parallel to gain the simple features. Then, serial search is required for more details.
However, this measurement may be wrong at some time. Searching conjunction features can be parallel with limited capacity. A limited-capacity parallel model can also show the set-size effect (Townsend,1974).
In this paper, they manipulated the visual quality of letters and asked participants to search X among Os (Exp 1), rotated T among Ls (Exp 2), and canonical T among Ls (Exp 3). The manipulation allows different predictions for parallel and serial models in visual search with the target-absence (Table 1) and target0precsence (Appendix). For the target-absence trial, the sub-additive effect indicates the parallel processing. But, the violation of the sub-additive did not necessarily mean the serial processing.
Results showed the sub- additivity in Exp 1and 3 (suggesting parallel processing), and additivity in Exp 2 (suggesting serial processing). More interesting, findings from Exp 3 implied that searching conjunction features can be parallel according to target-distractor similarity, distractor homogeneity, and set-size.
The computation of the additivity by manipulating the information load, and visual quality is a direct test for parallel/ serial processing. The authors also mentioned a possibility of individual differences in visual search.
This blog is about my research and what I am interested in. I will keep updating new information. Hope all of you enjoy it.
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About Me
- Yang Cheng-Ta (楊政達)
- I am Yang Cheng-Ta. I am a assistant professor at the department of psychology and institute of cognitive science, National Cheng Kung University (NCKU). I graduated from National Taiwan University (NTU). My supervisors were Prof. Yeh Yei-Yu and Prof. Hsu Yung-Fong. My major is cognitive psychology and mathematical psychology. My research interests are human attention and memory. My research topic is about why people cannot detect a change in the visual environment which is so-called “change Blindness”. I investigate the mechanism underlying change detection and how people make a correct detection decision. I am also interested in the mathematical modeling of human behavior. Besides, I like to play volleyball, go to gym, and swim when I am free. I also like to listen to the Chinese opera and still keep learning it. These are brief descriptions about me. If you are interested in me or share interests with me, contact with me at
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Personal Information
- 2010.3.7.-3.12. annual meeting of visual science society ()2009.12.1.截止)
- 台灣心理學會第48屆年會,9.26.-9.27.台大開會。投稿時間即將於7月31日截止。
- The 50th Annual Meeting of psychonomic society at Boston 2009.11.19.-11.22. (6月1日前截止投稿)
- 2009.6.24.-6.25. workshop of attention and perception (5.27.前截止投稿)
- 2009.8.1.-8.4. conference of Math Psych (4.31.截止)
- Annual meeting of visual science society May 8-13, 2009 (12.2.截止投稿)
- 第47屆台灣心理學年會 師大 (7.31截止)
- 13th workshop of attention and perception(嘉義中正大學)
- OPAM November, 13th, 2008, Chicago, Illinois ( 7月1日截止)
- 49th ANNUAL MEETING OF THE PSYCHONOMIC SOCIETY, Chicago Hilton Hotel, Chicago, Illinois, Thursday, November 13 – Sunday, November 16, 2008 (6月2日截止)
- NathPsych (四月一日截止)
- 華人心理學會註冊
- 2008.6.11-14 第六屆華人心理學家學術研討會 (一月底截止)
Shared Resources
- 用endnote寫論文
- working memory guides attention的討論文章
- E-Prime範例八:reaction time and accuracy
- E-Prime 範例七:feature integration theory
- E-Prime範例六:staircase 直接用程式顯現螢幕顏色
- signal detetcion theory
- OL釘書機
- E-Prime範例五:改變偵測(隨機指定位置與顏色)
- E-Prime範例四:stair case(二下一上)
- E-Prime範例三:false memory
- 神奇撲克牌變色魔術
- E-Prime範例二:primary memory
- E-Prime範例一:depth of processing
- Youtube 整理change blindness的範例
- E-Prime User's Guide
- E-Prime Introduction
- E-Prime data analysis
- E-Prime 中文使用說明 (「林思宏」改版,第一版由「黃卓寧」(2005.9.)撰寫)
Useful Links
- slideshare
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- Visual Science Society
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- American Psychological Association
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- Yahoo MathPsych student
- National Taiwan University
- Department of Psychology, National Taiwan University
- ScienceDirect
- Taylor & Francis
- IngentaConnect
Online Resources
- Lee's homepage introduciton to matbugs
- hint of writing winbugs
- Matbugs: use matlab to interface with winbugs
- how to use winbugs and related issues (by 林永雋)
- Bayes data analysis
- 2008 科學季 眼界奇觀 (我與大學部小朋友共同製作)
- Hierarchical Signal Detection Model (Jeff's lab)
- labmeeting
- American Journal Experts
- A theory of visaul attention
- E-Prime
- E-prime tutorial
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- Pubmed
- MatLab Codes
- Google Scholar
- Semantic association calculation
- Neuroimaging Resource
- Association Norm